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Reach Your Reps

Our founding fathers knew how vitally important it is for our elected representatives to follow the Constitution. Not just give lip service either—the Republican Party demands elected officials uphold and protect it proudly, loudly, and without hesitation or obscurity.


This is where YOU come in.


Your elected officials need to hear from YOU. Whether they need to be blasted for voting for harmful policies or thanked for standing strong in the face of Democrat’s pressure, YOU are their constituent and the one they answer to.

  • Are they following the Constitution?

  • Are they making wise decisions?

  • Are they safeguarding your God-given liberties?

  • Are they standing strong when attacked by the Left or are they crumbling under pressure?


It’s critical you let your elected representatives know two things:

  • You will not let them off the hook for straying from the Constitution or any conservative principle, whether they’re a Democrat or Republican.

  • You’ve got their back, and you appreciate them when they’re fighting for their constituents like they should.

Madison WI Capitol

Does Calling my Representatives Really Make a Difference?




Can you imagine what would happen if everyone started regularly contacting their elected representatives and held them accountable? Change would happen much more rapidly than we’re seeing it now.


Commit to calling one of your elected representatives today, and get your family and friends to do it with you!


Which Representative Should I Contact?


That depends on why you’re contacting them. Simply put, contact whoever has direct influence over the issue at hand.


Do you have an issue with your child’s school? Call the school board.


Do you have an issue with COVID mandates in your city? Call the common council members, village trustees, or town supervisors.


Do you have an issue with the federal government's spending bill? Call your Congressman.


Be sure to be respectful and speak in whatever way feels most comfortable to you. Also remember that there is no wrong way to do this! 


Who are MY representatives?


Check out our blog post for step by step instructions here!

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with all of the important RPKC news & action alerts you need.

Republican Party

of Kenosha County

Questions? Contact us;
we’re here to help!

5602 Green Bay Road

Kenosha, WI 53144

‪(262) 232-7655‬

Office Hours

Tuesday 1—4
Wednesday 9—12
Saturday 9—12


Stop in to:

  • Join the RPKC

  • Pick up Yard Signs

  • Shop Trump Gear

© 2025 Paid for by the Republican Party of Kenosha County, Sandy Wiedmeyer, Chair.
Proudly created with Freedom. 
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