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Re-Elect Bryan Steil

A proven leader who puts Wisconsinites first, Bryan Steil is the best choice for Congressional District 1 Representative.

On November 5, we will be asked to return Republican Bryan Steil to the House of Representatives. Opposing him is Democrat Peter Barca.

Steil, 43, is from Janesville. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2003, and from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 2007. After a decade working as a lawyer and businessman, he was elected to Congress in 2018, and has been re-elected in 2020 and 2022.

Barca, 69, is from Kenosha. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1977, and received a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Wisconsin in 1983. After working as a teacher, he served in the state legislature, Congress (1992-93), and a variety of governmental posts. He is married, with two adult children.

The Issues

Over his six years in office, Bryan Steil has been a voice for moderation in Congress on a variety issues:

  • He has worked to contain the Biden-Harris administration’s massive spending, which has fueled inflation and ballooned our national debt.

  • He has made election integrity a priority, working to ensure that only citizens vote in our elections.

  • He has worked to secure our southern border, recognizing that border security is a vital part of national security.

At the same time, he has not been afraid to disagree with his party’s leadership on matters of conscience, as shown by his vote in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

By contrast, in the 30 years since Peter Barca served in Congress, his Democratic Party has veered sharply to the left. Despite this huge change in his party’s philosophy, Peter Barca remains an obedient soldier in the Democrats’ phalanx:

Serving Southeast Wisconsin

Over the past six years, Bryan Steil has helped thousands of local families, answering questions and resolving problems with government agencies. He’s held numerous meetings and forums on topics of vital interest, to share information and receive feedback from citizens.

At the same time, he works to moderate the excesses of the Biden-Harris administration.

On November 5, do Wisconsin and the nation a service: Return Bryan Steil to Congress!


Make Your Plan to Vote Now!

  • Check your voter registration status here.

  • Find your In-Person Absentee voting options here.

  • Find your polling location here.

  • See what’s on your ballot here.

Online registration deadline: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked by Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In person registration deadline: Tuesday, November 5, 2024



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